viernes, 13 de junio de 2014


El pasado día 27 de mayo, a las 09:00 h. todos los alumnos de 3º de Ed. Infantil recibieron la visita de Louise, una joven escocesa que pasó parte de la mañana con ellos durante las clases de Inglés. Tras presentarse y preguntarles sus nombres, les contó el cuento Very hungry caterpillar y más tarde, se realizaron diferentes actividades con ellos acerca de los diferentes alimentos que aparecen en la historia, trabajando con los días de la semana y otros muchos aspectos. Finalmente, los pequeños probaron diferentes frutas intentando discriminar su sabor y adivinar cuál era en cada caso. ¡Todos los niños querían participar y les entusiasmó! La respuesta de los niños ha sido muy positiva ya que participaron activamente en todos y cada uno de los juegos aprendiendo muchas cosas nuevas, y repasando otras que ya sabían. Y sobre todo, han podido compartir un ratito diferente todos juntos y aprendiendo inglés con una hablante nativa.

The last 27th May the children of the 3rd year of Nursery Education received the visit of a Scottish girl called Louise who spent part of the morning speaking in English with them for the English classes. After introducing herself and asking them some questions, she told them a story called The very hungry caterpillar and then, the students could participate in some activities related to the story. Finally the pupils tried different fruits trying to guess which one it was in each case. They all wanted to participate! They were amazed! The experience has been very positive since all of them wanted to participate in every activity, and they have learnt new things and reviewed other contents that they already knew. They have had the opportunity to share some time all together learning English with a native speaker.
The story tell us about a caterpillar that is extremely hungry. He can’t stop eating. Each day of the week he eats more and more food… That is why it is perfect to work with the days of the week and with food. Also, you can review some colours, shapes, animals… Furthermore, they can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food. Besides, they learn how a caterpillar changes and grows up since it hatches from a tiny egg, till it emerges from its cocoon as a beautiful butterfly.

Children love it!

Here you have the story:

Now, you can see some photographs taken during the session.

Going green!!!

The environment is nature (the land, the water, their animals and plants), is culture and society. We need it to live, to breathe, to work and to grow up. That’s why it’s crucial to know it, to value it and to take care of it.

Unfortunately, nowadays there are a lot of problems that affect our environment. Some of them are pollution, deforestation, ice melting, toxic waste, and earthquakes.

What can we do against it??

We can follow the Three R’s rule that consists on: Reduce, Reuse and Recycling.

Reduce means using fewer resources. For example: we can reduce water by having a shower instead of a bath, we can reduce electricity by switching the lights off if we are not in a room, we can walk or take the bus instead of travelling by car…

Also, we can reuse some materials: an old shirt can became a pajama top, an opened envelope can become a shopping list, a magazine can be shared…

Recycling consists of throwing the rubbish into its bin.

Preserving our planet is on our hands.

We all must do our part!